
Content Marketing

What’s most important is for marketers to keep abreast with constant change in content landscape? Helping brands thrive in the Digital Age with a touch of creativity and innovation. It is not enough to be the best at what you do, but to be best known. Branding is not just about the content you create, it’s about the relationships you build and work on building them daily. It’s just not about posting content and waiting for your inbox to blow up with leads, it takes time, effort and strategy. The Goal is to remain consistent and refine strategy as you learn about your target audience. The biggest advantage that social media offers is a larger audience. The foremost important strategy is to connect with the audience and enhance brand awareness. Just like our target audience use social media, companies are also using it in the same manner to advertise their products and services to a larger audience. Millions are using Social media platforms these days which can attain a huge pool of audience to engage them with your content.

Content Distribution

Distribution of Content

Promoting content through various channels and formats to reach the maximum number of audience in three ways namely:
·        Owned
·        Earned
·        Paid

Owned Content Distribution: This type of distribution pertains to sharing your content on platforms that you own. Through  blog pages, social media channels, newsletters and websites. In this type of distribution, you will be in complete control of the content that you share.
Extra Tools for Owned Distribution Channels
Medium is a publishing platform that will allow you to post content. The platform is open for paid and unpaid writers. Additionally, it is not just writers; even businesses can post on Medium. The platform offers you a large readership. To make use of this readership, post content that is visually appealing and intrigues the people on the platform. SlideShare
In the current time, people are more attracted to visual content rather than written content. Infographics, presentations and videos have a higher chance of grabbing the attention of readers. A lot of people use SlideShare to
find great visual content online. Having interesting and apt graphics that people are looking for will help you reach a large audience.

Earned Content Distribution
: When people start sharing or talking about your content they become a part of your earned content distribution. Earned content distribution is majorly acquired when people share or retweet your posts on social media, mention you in a product review, guest blog or in press coverage.
Develop more targeted landing pages.Sign up for our exclusive newsletters. Subscribe to check out our popular newsletters. You can go for developing any number of landing pages that you think would be relevant, each optimizing one or more keywords that are likely to be picked by the audience. Most of the brands have attained 60% more revenue just by developing more related landing pages and optimizing them. Becoming successful in 2022 is a big question of creating content following the niche that directly targets a specific subset of our customers.

 Paid Content Distribution:
In this type of content distribution, you pay for your content to be visible to a wider group of audience. Social media has taken over our lives. Almost everyone that we know has a social media account. And to top it all, there are different channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. With so many people being active on these platforms, running paid ads actually works to your benefit. Every social media platform has its own set of advantages when you run ads. Plus, they are cheap when compared to traditional ads. So, running ads on social media platforms is a great way to distribute content.
Paid content distribution is usually done to direct the audience towards your owned channels. Some ways through which you can make use of paid distribution is through pay per click (PPC), cost per click (CPC), social media advertising, displaying ads and paying influencers for mentioning or talking about your content.
If you are trying to create a positive impact on your brand with the help of content, then keep in mind that all three channels of distribution play a pivotal role. The ideal thing to do is to make use of paid distribution is through pay per click (PPC), cost per click (CPC), social media advertising, displaying ads and paying influencers for mentioning or talking about your content.Through Google Adwords and Facebook/Instagram Ads we will create ads to be distributed through Google business and Facebook business respectively . The video we created will be part of the advertisement.
The advertisement will be strategically targeted through 15 adwords which will draw clients to our website on crawling through Google search.The ads will be demographically as well as age wise targeted and focused to reach our prospective client segment.
Google analytics and Facebook analytics will be used as the metrics to review the performance of our advertisements. Facebook will help in your branding and publicity of events . While through search engine actually draw clients to your website and convert them into customers.
We will also set up a Twitter account and tweet about our advertisement with a YouTube link to it. Instagram advertisement as well as longer version on IGTV.

Extra Tools for Earned Distribution Channels
Everyone who is looking for answers online is sure to log onto Quora first. The platform is specifically designed for people to ask and answer questions. Quora caters to questions from all types of businesses and industries. Look for questions that pertain to your industry and answer those questions with your experience and knowledge. You can even link back to your blog so that readers can get a detailed insight into the topic. This is a great way to answer questions that people are asking and also distribute your content.

The platform is similar to Quora, but it isn’t as easy to crack. The platform has communities called subreddits. These subreddits can pertain to your industry or topic. Your goal as a digital marketer is to find these subreddits that are a perfect fit for your content. Once you find these subreddits, start participating in the discussions and share your content. When you post high-quality content that appeals to the readers, they start upvoting it. The more upvotes you get, the more user engagement you receive.

Most online learning projects rely on existing content which needs to be re-activated or brand new content specifically created for mobile and online delivery . Each of them require a different approach.

Next we will target Re-marketing for better lead generation. Yes, it’s a practicing of revealing ads to the crowd which has reached your site earlier while browsing the internet.It’s a directly proportional aspect according to which, with the increasing frequent views of potential customers, the chances of the conversion will rise. Your click-through rate may experience a drop, but the conversion will increase two times via re marketing,For the same, we will need the data of the existing customer to embrace into plentiful platforms at the disposal. In Re-target Links or Facebook Ads,wecan employ re marketing options, AdRoll, and Google Ad Re marketing. Hence, the most important thing that should be considered is to segment the audience so you will not be required to retarget everyone with the akin promotion.

 We have all seen ads linking back to another page or content on every website. We can display your content ad on leading websites with the help of Outbrain. Outbrain is a content discovery platform which connects your content to large readership channels like ESPN and CNN. Outbrain can place your content all over the internet and get a large readership towards your content. It is a great way to build readership and increase engagement with users all across the internet.
While the market is heavily loaded with content than before, so it really has to stand out to grab a chance. So this takes you towards two paths, either hold the detailed and creative content or narrow the scope and create for a smaller niche. Fighting should be kept aside over the same audience, and the path should turn towards the niche content. The ignored niches should be taken into consideration, along with the recognition of the undeserved angles. So, for the better content marketing approach in 2023 we will follow the above steps. You will surely notice the improvement in your content marketing strategy